
Doki doki just monika at start
Doki doki just monika at start

  • Ambiguous Disorder: Under the influence of the position of Club President, Monika, and later Sayori, exhibits symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Arrogance, a need for excessive validation, Lack of Empathy, Enviousness, and a hyper-sensitivity to criticism.
  • It's unclear whether she's assuming your gender based on the player character being male or you being the kind of person who'd play a dating sim, or if it's for simplicity's sake. The ambiguity comes in when she generally refers to you using masculine pronouns and terms.
  • Ambiguously Bi: She notes in Act 3 that she honestly doesn't know your gender, but she still considers herself your girlfriend anyways.
  • If you get the normal ending, Monika is still around enough to stop Sayori from doing something similar, then deletes the game during the end credits and leaves a note saying that the club is disbanded permanently. However, she can't come to hate the player after all and admits that she could bring back the other girls so that you could play the game without her.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: When the player deletes her file in Act 3, her first reaction is to act horrified, then angrily berate the player for doing so when she realizes what's happening.
  • Ultimately, she's just a girl who's seen things she shouldn't have seen and has Gone Mad from the Revelation. She gets horrified when the player decides to delete her, even revealing that she didn't delete the others entirely and puts them back for you. While she's later revealed to be a meta-aware yandere who will Mind Rape and delete her friends if it means getting closer to the player, she keeps her polite appearance even after she's the only girl left. The worst you can say about her is that she occasionally has trouble wrangling her clubmates when they argue. She even offers you some genuinely good advice from time to time and sincerely opens up to you, as any good girlfriend would. She really is that friendly, and she really, truly means it when she says that she loves you and that she wants to make you happy.
  • Affably Evil: Uniquely for a Yandere, nothing about Monika's apparent kindness and politeness is an act.
  • That said, she does use a Japanese-style spelling instead of the English standard (Monika instead of Monica).
  • Aerith and Bob: Out of all the girls, she is the only one with a name that isn't explicitly Japanese and doesn't end with an "i".

  • Doki doki just monika at start